Acaba de filtrarse Firefox 7 Final. Este nuevo lanzamiento es especialmente interesante debido al proyecto llamado «MemShrink» mediante el cual se ha pretendido reducir en esta versión el consumo de memoria en un 50 %.. Tras el salto veremos alguna novedad más y un enlace de descarga, aparte de mi propia prueba de autenticidad de la filtración para los menos crédulos.
[Actualizada]: Ahora con enlace oficial de descarga.
Aparte del mejorado consumo de memoria mencionado, Firefox 7 Final trae una interesante nueva medida de seguridad, y es que nos evitará la instalación de plugins no deseados; esto es cuando instalas X programa en cuyo proceso de instalación te ofrece instalar X complemento para Firefox y sin querer has aceptado sin darte cuenta… o mira…. incluso he visto programas que tienen el descaro de ni hacer preguntas, llevándote luego una desagradable sorpresa al iniciar tu navegador. Pues bien, en estos casos, Firefox nos sacará siempre un cuadro de diálogo para que aceptemos personalmente la instalación del complemento, sin permitir la automatización.
La filtración he comprobado que es efectivamente la versión final y aquí os dejo la prueba de la instalación en mi equipo:
Descarga: Web Oficial
Descarga: Firefox 7 Final (Megaupload)
Interestingly the ograinil blog author syas in his piece “My book and associated Web site are an entirely separate commercial endeavour from Canonical or the Ubuntu project at large.” Yet he does not seem to realize that is exactly why Canonical reserve the right to control the use of the name “Ubuntu”.Suppose I were to espouse the name “Kier Thomas” and start to write articles passing myself off as him. I wonder if he’d have an issue with that?Of course in the Python world we have had to look at these issues. There was indeed (as Doug possibly knows) a company whose name I won’t publicize further calling itself “The Python Corporation”. Had the PSF not been assiduous in its pursuit of this company it could still be soliciting “donations” and being mistaken for the Python Software Foundation.Similarly, if Thomas makes liberal use of the Ubuntu trademark then Canonical are perfectly within their rights to decide whether or not the uses of the mark are appropriate. They presumably chose to trademark the name in order to be able to control its use. Otherwise I could register it myself and take action against them.There are a number of people in the open source world who seem to feel that trademarks and copyright are abominable, but they too easily overlook that fact that these systems are enshrined in the legal systems of most jurisdictions, and simply wishing they didn’t won’t make the laws go away: we have to work in the system we live in until we can change it.I am very glad that the PSF had to consider whether or not to try to protect its trademarks (registered or otherwise) at its recent members’ meeting, and decided by a large majority to continue to do so. We have now drawn a line in the sand, and can take action to stop people from bringing the name into disrepute or associating it with disreputable products or ideas.That’s all Canonical were attempting to do with Kier Thomas, and I doubt very much that they would have refused him permission. Thomas appears not to realize that by *not* requiring him to ask permission they would have weakened their ability to protect the mark against abuses from less conscientious users.PS: Knowing my propensity to commit typos I’d really appreciate a “preview” option in the blog comments!
GEyiHv xyitjwukjfof
Pues a mi aun no me ha salido, será que no estará disponible en todo el mundo todavía
ya digo que yo tampoco encontré link oficial. Se supone que simplemente se ha filtrado. Yo probé y ahí tienes la captura que he adjuntado… es real y oficial, por lo que doy por hecho que se trata de alguna filtración.
Quien se fie de mi puede bajarlo del enlace que os preparé e ir disfrutando de firefox 7 final ya mismo como yo xd