Wine 1.3.15 lanzado

Wine no para de avanzar, aunque últimamente sea un poquito más lento (por la cantidad de bugs corregidos en cada versión y cantidad de novedades introducidas). De todos modos, la capa de compatibilidad con Windows para Linux nunca descansa y sigue su desarrollo.

Pincha para leer sus novedades y el PPA de instalación.

Según la web oficial, las novedades son:

– Support for changing network passwords.
– Reflection support in shader compiler.
– Tests no longer attempt to cope with Win9x behavior.
– A number of MSHTML and MSXML improvements.
– Various bug fixes.

Los bugs corregidos en esta versión son:

  11965  gethostbyname requires a successful WSAStartup invocation before performing an operation
  12583  clipboard monitor is not working in PSPad
  14412  staruml can't load examples
  16551  install fails - msi_cabextract FDICopy fails
  18153  Wizard101 will not load
  18598  Source Insight: Window Title Bar does not get updated with the new file when jumping to the definition from the current file.
  19654  The "Mudokon Status Indicator" in Abe's Oddysee doesn't work correctly
  21210  Clicking on URL hyperlinks in PowerPoint 2007 results in a crash
  23734  Office 2007 installer: cannot add or remove programs after initial install
  24250  Sam and Max 304 aborts on unimplemented function msvcr80.dll.getenv_s
  24268  mono's gluezilla uses unimplemented function msvcr80._stat32
  24290  GetOpenFileName() triggers read of uninitialized variable
  24440  Second Life crashes with unimplemented function(s) from msvcr80.dll
  24553  unimplemented msvcrt.dll._wfindfirst64
  25033  Solo on Keyboard setup fails
  25098  BrainSplode! crashes with Unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXCreateTextA
  25273  msvcrt/misc.ok I10_OUTPUT long double crash with winetest.exe, not make test
  25443  Unimplemented function msvcr90.dll._ftime64_s
  25618  Super Meat Boy fails to output audible sound
  25866  Mafia: City of Lost Heaven - Crash when starting Freeride Supreme Mode
  26114  gdi32/mapping tests shows a couple memory leaks in valgrind
  26133  d3dx9_36: surface and texture tests shows an invalid read under valgrind
  26174  Theme internals crash with Unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.EnableTraceEx
  26177  Compilation of dlls/msxml3 fails on CentOS 3
  26178  MS Word 2003 save document with embedded fonts needs t2embed.dll._TTEmbedFont@44 implemented
  26201  wineboot fails to install gecko automatically
  26228  msxml3 fails to build when libxml2 is built with +icu useflag
  26233  Dragon Age 2 demo - sound sometimes missing in EA logo movie
  26248  Pokerstars client, windows pops up just to die

PPA para instalarlo:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install wine1.3

Rodrigo Arévalo Presedo

Baste deciros que siempre llevo conmigo............... mi toalla.

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